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Protecting Your Home From a Hurricane

Although Hurricane season officially began on June 1st, peak season is upon us according to the National Hurricane Center.  The NHC predicts that peak hurricane season will be from mid-August until late October. With that in mind, here are a few things you can do to prep your home for a potential Hurricane. 

 First limit potential flying debris around your home. For example, trim tree branches in your yard that may be weak or hanging over other structures. Check your fence, fix loose or weak boards. If you have movable objects in your yard, it may be a good idea to anchor them deeper into the ground. 

 Let’s talk about windows and doors. Have you thought about replacing windows and exterior doors with pressure-and impact-rated versions? This could prevent your windows in your home from blowing out or breaking during a strong wind storm like a Hurricane. 

 If replacing windows and doors isn’t likely try putting up shutters, which can protect windows and exterior doors. Keep in mind taping windows doesn’t provide protection against breakage, and it could limit your overall time preparing your home for severe weather. 

 It is always a good idea to inspect your roof periodically. Check for signs of wear and places that may need repairing. To reduce the risk of water leaking into your home, be sure to also check the caulking seals around windows and doors. 

 Before a storm you should also check carports or other structures attached to your home to make sure they are sound and firmly fastened. Prep your generators and make sure they are in good working condition in case of a power outage. 

 Finally, consider making a list of your items in your home. In case you need to file an insurance claim due to storm damage, it will make your life a little easier if you already have your items listed and ready for the claim. 


Information for this article was obtained from