Emergency Roadside Assistance


Most emergencies take you by surprise yet demand immediate attention. These unexpected occurrences can happen in the blink of an eye. The Georgia Farm Bureau team believes that you should always have a plan in place for emergencies that happen while driving, and we want to help! That’s why Georgia Farm Bureau offers Emergency Roadside Assistance Coverage for our members. 

Our Emergency Roadside Assistance Coverage is included on Private Passenger Automobile (PPA) policies through our partner Road America Motor Club. With Emergency Roadside Assistance Coverage, you will have peace of mind knowing that help is on the way during an emergency. Simply call an assistant coordinator at 866-876-7081 if you are facing an unexpected roadside emergency.


Person contacting roadside assistance

Emergency Roadside Assistance Coverage Details

When you’re on the road and an emergency occurs, we want you to feel confident that you have a team of people ready to help you. That’s why our emergency roadside assistance coverage provides a multitude of services that will help you take control of the situation and get you out of harm’s way. Discover what emergency roadside assistance coverage includes:

  • 24-Hour Dispatch of Emergency Towing Assistance:
    Tow service to the nearest qualified service facility or other destination designated by the member.
  • 24-Hour Dispatch of Emergency Supplies:
    Emergency supply of gasoline, oil, fluid, and water.
  • 24-Hour Dispatch of Flat Tire Assistance:
    Assistance to inflate, repair, or replace the flat tire with the vehicle’s spare tire.
  • 24-Hour Emergency Battery Assistance:
    Assistance to jump-start the vehicle.
  • 24-Hour Emergency Lock-Out Assistance:
    Assistance of a locksmith to allow entry into the vehicle. Duplicate keys can be made at the member’s request and expense.
  • 24-Hour Emergency Vehicle Extrication:
    Extrication of vehicle stuck in a ditch or other inaccessible area, when such location is within 50 feet of a paved road.

Call an assistant coordinator at 866-876-7081 for your covered roadside emergency needs.